Our exhibitions

Enjoy the beauty and excitement of art. A unique experience to admire and acquire original, diverse, quality and accessible works. Our gallery offers you a selection of beautiful and significant works.


Our works are original and unique, created by established artists. Each painting has its own style and personality, and reflects the artist's vision and creativity.


The works cover different themes, genres, techniques and formats. From acrylics to paper, from portraits to landscapes, abstract, expressionist, surrealist and more.


Our works are made with high quality materials and meticulous care. Talent and artistic skill are appreciated, such as the mastery of shapes, colors and textures.


Our paintings, you will find special offers and discounts. In addition, we offer payment and shipping facilities. The paintings are available to anyone interested.


Los Angeles

The artist Maurilio Moreira Fondevila is the protagonist of our exclusive exhibition that was exhibited in Los Angeles, on October 8. The exhibition brought together a selection of works that reflect the artist's vision of Brazilian music, nature and culture, with vivid and contrasting colors, undoubtedly a moving and powerful work, expressing his passion and creativity. We share here, some photos of the event.



Tribute to the women who have marked history and society.

The Fondevila Art Galleries is pleased to present "Divas", an eclectic and fascinating annual international exhibition, taking place in João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil, from March 9 to April 10, 2024, dedicated to honoring women in their day, who stand out for their bravery, dedication, and importance in history and society.

The exhibition has the exclusive participation of Maurilio Moreira Fondevila, an internationally recognized artist, who wears creations inspired by and characterized by the use of bright and contrasting colors, and by the representation of musical instruments, landscapes, fauna and flora of his native Brazil. His homage is implicitly represented by the divas who influenced his life and career.

In Divas, Fondevila pays tribute to the central element of the exhibition: iconic women, divas of great prestige and importance such as Margarida Maria Alves, Zezita Matos, Ceres Leão, without forgetting the eternal Marilyn Monroe and Fridha Kahlo, through portraits that capture its essence and personality. Each work is an invitation and a unique opportunity to learn about the history, achievements and challenges of these outstanding women, who have been references of empowerment, creativity and social transformation.

Divas is an exhibition that celebrates diversity, beauty and female talent, and seeks to generate a meaningful and enriching experience for the public, through works of art, rich in metaphors and fluid allusions to the inherent human capacity to create, combining a chromatic game. between the emotions of those who admire the work and the ideas that are revealed through the names of the works and the artist's message
In Divas, the public will be able to admire the diversity, beauty and female talent. That is why we invite you to visit it and enjoy the works of Maurilio Moreira Fondevila, an artist who pays homage to women with her art.


Compartilhamos com todos o Catálogo DIVAS das Galerias de Arte Fondevila, elaborado com as obras de arte que nosso renomado artista Maurilio Moreira Fondevila expôs nesta exposição-tributo, e a cobertura midiática recebida na Exposição Internacional “DIVAS”.

Download SESC Catalog

Apresentamos o catálogo elaborado pelo SESC, Serviço Social do Comércio - Regional Paraíba, para o ExpoSesc, maior projeto de artes visuais da Paraíba. Por ocasião da exposição internacional “DIVAS”, na sua “Homenagem às mulheres que marcaram a história e a sociedade”.

Las últimas flores del verano


We present the "Acuarela" Catalogue by Fondevila Art Galleries, which contains the latest collection and series of works of art by our renowned artist Maurilio Moreira Fondevila.